For part of his earlier years, Phil was a veterinarian. While cutting his hair a couple of weeks ago he was telling me about an incident that happened to him during that time.
It was during calving season and he had a call from a farmer who was having a problem with one of his cows giving birth.
After he arrived and had assessed the situation, he knew what he had to do. He pulled out a pair of clippers from his case and trimmed around the back end of the cow. But before he had finished prepping, the clipper had quit working. He shook them a little, wiggled the cord, but still nothing. He discarded them on the ground and noticed that there was bare wire exposed half way down the cord. It must have shorted out, he thought.
Giving his full attention now to the poor mother trying to give birth, he shoved his right arm up inside the cow, and pulled the calf out. It wasn't breathing. He cleared the throat and mouth as best he could. He tried helping it stand. But it appeared the little guy wasn't going to make it. It fell over and hit the ground. But as it did, it landed on the exposed wire of Phil's clipper, which was still plugged into the power outlet. Instantly the calf was shocked back to life. It was exactly what it needed and in exactly the right time. It was running around within seconds.
A little unconventional maybe... but accidents do and can sometimes happen, for good reason.
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