There's a cemetery about about a mile from where we live. I drive by there many times a week.
About a month ago, on a Sunday morning, I had to swing by our church to check on a call that I had received from our Security company. It was about 6 am. Not much traffic and very little activity anywhere for that time of day. Except when I drove by the cemetery I had noticed someone with a wheelbarrow and shovel walking about.
A little unusual for Bob to be working today, I thought. (Bob is the caretaker and grave digger of that particular cemetery).
A few days later, Bob was in for a haircut and I had mentioned about seeing him at the cemetery around six o'clock the previous Sunday morning. "No, it wasn't me," he said. He's never there on Sundays.
Today, which is about five weeks later, he's back for another haircut. He informed me that he had solved the mystery of the early Sunday morning cemetery prowler, that I had seen.
Apparently, someone decided it'd be a great idea if they came around daylight, and bury their dog, that had died a couple of days prior.
Unbeknown to me, Bob had done some poking around (literally) and found a small box about five inches below the ground surface, directly behind a plot where someone had recently been buried. Contacting the family of the deceased person, he did find out who had come in and helped themselves to a doggy plot, directly behind the 'owner of the dog.'
The body of the dog was exhumed, and found a proper burial spot. No charges were laid.
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