Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Trick Riding Miracle

Yesterday I visited my sister and brother-in-law Arch, for the afternoon.  He told me he had two new horses.  So I had to go and have a look.

I'm not a horse person.  But I have to admit his horses do look nice.  Especially in pictures.  Just kidding.

Yesterday I was reminded of a few years ago, when I did have my first ride on a horse.  One that I won't soon forget I might add.

It was a beautiful summer day in July.  We were invited out to friends of my sister and Arch's.  They were already there when we arrived.  Rodger's place was about a forty acre countryside spread, just outside the city of Edmonton.

After visiting for a while, they decided, the 'guys' should go for a horseback ride.  Three of the horses were immediately saddled up.  And we were ready to go.

Unbeknown to Rodger or Arch, (who by the way were experienced horsemen...they both grew up around horses and had been riding for years) this was my first time I'd ever sat in a saddle.  But I figured, 'Hey, if they can do it, I can do it.'  Ooohh, was I wrong.

It started off fine.  We were gingerly trotting down a back country dirt road, just checking out the scenery, as I thought to myself... 'This is easy enough.'   Rodger and Arch were in the lead, side by side, chatting back and forth to each other.  And me, I was right behind them.
Then it happened!  I saw Arch give Rodger the 'nod.'  And the three horses took off as if we'd been shot out of a cannon.  Instantly my foot came out of the left stirrup and I found myself hanging upside down with my right foot still in the right stirrup, looking up at the belly of  my horse.  And luckily I still had the reins in my hands.  With my head only inches away from the ground and the horses hooves, I knew I had to hang on, somehow.  And by some miracle, I did.

The next thing I knew, I was somewhat upright again, but totally out of control of the horse, who was still keeping up with the other two in spite of our dilemma.

Nobody told me, you had to kinda stand in the stirrups when your horse went into a gallop.  At this time my biggest concern was just getting back in the saddle, where I thought it would be a lot safer.  But as soon as I did manage to upright myself enough to finally find the saddle, my rear end only touched that thing for about a half a second, and I went flying again!

This time it was out over the front of the horse!  I held part of the reins in my left hand and with my right hand I grabbed the mane of the horse, as I flew through the air.  And we were still moving at what appeared to me, about 120 mph down that gravel road. 

I do believe in prayer and I prayed more in that short time, than I probably have in all my prayer time since.  And I did survive that horrible ordeal that day.  It must have been my guardian angel that lifted me back in that saddle.  Because the next thing I remember, the horses had all come to a stop and  I was back in the saddle where I should have been in the first place.  A little disheveled, yes, but no broken limbs, bruises or even a scratch.

The other two riders never knew what had happened behind them that afternoon.  But for me that ride will be forever itched in my memory..  It was my first and last horseback ride.  I have never gotten back in a saddle again.

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